By , , and
(6x8.5 68pp, paperback)
I was alive
I looked...
Gentle Reader! is a collaborative book of erasures of Romantic era texts by Joshua Beckman, Anthony McCann, and Matthew Rohrer.
A book that perfectly encapsulates the contradictions and complexities surrounding the English Romantics is an erasure of their works: Gentle Reader!...If you think erasure is valuable as an exercise but lacks literary merit, then I strongly recommend this book. You will find surreal images, and straightforward but astonishingly expressed statements, evidence that erasure can achieve what Wordsworth called "the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings"...
Read an interview at the with all three authors about Gentle Reader! -
Joshua Beckman was born in New Haven, Connecticut. He is the author of many books, including (Wave Books, forthcoming 2018), , , , , and two collaborations with : and . He is editor-in-chief at Wave Books and has translated numerous works of poetry and prose, including , by Jorge Carrera Andrade, 5 Meters of Poems (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2010) by Carlos Oquendo de Amat, and Poker (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2008) by Tomaž Šalamun, which was a finalist for the PEN America Poetry in Translation Award. He also co-edited (Wave Books, 2015).
Anthony McCann was born and raised in the Hudson Valley. He is the author of (November 2023) and (Wave Books, 2014), (Wave Books, 2011), (Wave Books, 2006) and Father of Noise (Fence Books, 2003). In addition to these three collections, he is one of the authors of (2007), a book of erasures of the English Romantics, along with and . He lives in Los Angeles and teaches in the University of California-Riverside's Palm Desert MFA program. He is the “Poet Laureate” of Machine Project and also teaches courses at the California Institute of the Arts.
Matthew Rohrer is the author of (Wave Books, 2015), (Wave Books, 2011), (Ugly Duckling Presse, 2009), (Wave Books, 2007) and (Verse Press, 2004), which was shortlisted for the 2005 Griffin Poetry Prize. He is also the author of (Verse Press, 2001), and co-author, with Joshua Beckman, of (Verse Press, 2002), and the audio CD . He has appeared on NPR’s All Things Considered and The Next Big Thing. His first book, A Hummock in the Malookas was selected for the National Poetry Series by Mary Oliver in 1994. He lives in Brooklyn, New York, and teaches at NYU.